소스 검색

added additional comments

Enzo 1 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일2개의 추가작업 그리고 1개의 파일을 삭제
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+ 2 - 1

@@ -104,7 +104,8 @@ export class queryService {
         The isObjectMatching function first checks if the input object is of type object. If not, it returns false. If the object is an object, 
         it checks whether the object or any of its nested objects satisfy the conditions in searchObj by calling isMatchingObject and isObjectMatching recursively.
         Finally, the hasKeyAndValue function returns the result of isObjectMatching(data), which is a boolean indicating whether data satisfies 
-        the conditions specified in searchObj. */
+        the conditions specified in searchObj. 
+        PS: this function is not my code. */