head meta(charset='UTF-8') title GraphQL API body div h1 GraphQL API table(style="width:100%; display:fixed") tr th Graphql Playground th FisApp Request th FisApp Response(s) tr td(style="border:solid 1px lightblue",valign="top") form(method='POST' action=jadeargument['action']) table tr td b Step 1 : Create your query tr td b(style="font-weight:normal") |( or Load default query select(name="defaultQuery" onchange="this.form.submit()") each item in jadeargument['defaultQuery'] if(item.queryName === jadeargument['defaultQueryValue']) option(value = item.queryName selected) #{item.queryName} else option(value = item.queryName) #{item.queryName} b(style="font-weight:normal") |) tr td iframe(style="resize:both", width='700', height='750', src=jadeargument['graphql_url'], frameborder='0') td(style="width:40%;background-color:lightblue;padding", valign="top") form(method='POST' action=jadeargument['action']) table tr td b Step 2 : Copy Paste your query as Query Payload p u Query Header tr td textarea(name="header", cols="60", rows="32",style="width:100%")=jadeargument['header'] tr td u Query Payload tr td textarea(name="payload", cols="60", rows="10",style="width:100%")=jadeargument['payload'] input(type='submit' name='Submit' value='Click Here to Test FisApp Query >') td(style="width:100%;background-color:lightblue;padding:5px", valign="top") b Step 3 : Check the Response(s) here p u Query Response(s) textarea(name="response", cols="60", rows="45",style="width:100%" , wrap="off")=jadeargument['response'] p b When you have the desired query, you can proceed to POST it to http://swopt.com:3011/request to get the response(s). br span (Refer to http://swopt.com:3000/stephenwong/microservice-cqrs-server 's Method 2 for more information.) tr td(style="width:100%;padding:5px", colspan="3")=jadeargument['message']